Read on below to see a letter from Les Brown himself.

You can go ahead and download the PDF version of my new book, 7 Principles of Storytelling, by pressing the button below.

From Les Brown himself...

Hello, this is Les Brown. One of my greatest joys in life is speaking; can you identify with that?

If you love to speak or even if you don't love to speak and are petrified of speaking, you're gonna get something of value out of this book. I'm going to share with you some methods and techniques on how you can begin to improve your speaking skills substantially.

And you might consider using your speaking skills to create another career for yourself. It's a multi-billion dollar business; that's a great possibility. And I'll share with you methods and techniques on how you can begin to do that and as quiet as it's kept.

You don't have to have a Ph.D. or be a rocket scientist in order to do that.

If you're interested in working on yourself and being involved in ongoing learning, and working to master the art of public speaking, the possibilities are unlimited.

Don't take my word for it; prove it for yourself. I've been doing this now for several years... over 50, to be more exact.

And it has just been unbelievable the experience that

I've had.

I’m going to share with you and make available to you information that I've shared in seminars that I've done all across the world called Speaking for a Living.

This seminar was created for the most high-level audiences you can imagine.

And the contents and strategies that we talked about were in-depth and complex.

We talked through every little secret you could imagine to be a successful speaker.

In this book, I’m going to share with you the 7 principles you need to know to be a powerful storyteller. But remember... being a good storyteller is just the beginning of a speaking career.

So I encourage you to get started with this book and learn the basics. And when you’re ready to pursue a career in Public Speaking... I have something for you.

My team and I have made available to you an online program with the original tapes from the seminars of “Speaking for a Living.”

In the first tape, you will learn about the three R’s of repetition, review, and reinforcement. In the tapes that follow, I will be giving you some in-depth point by-point systems which I have developed for delivering dynamic, unforgettable presentations.

And by speaking, by practicing, by studying this art, I believe you can change millions of lives and find something that will give your life a sense of purpose, meaning, and value that will boggle your imagination.

Join me on this adventure.

People need to hear what you have to say. So leap out there and make it happen.

There are some people that I'm going to reach, and nobody else will reach, and there are some people that you're going to reach, and nobody else will reach them.

And they are waiting for you.

They are waiting to hear from you.

So start working to develop your craft.

Welcome on this journey to discovering the greatness that you have within you as a speaker and, most importantly... you want to be the message that you bring; you need to live your message, not just speak it.

So if you’d like to join me on this journey after you finish reading this book... then go to my website

lesbrown.com/speakforaliving and submit your application.

I only let 21 people a month join this masterclass as we don’t just teach you about public speaking; we TURN YOU into a public speaker!

This program is a three-phase program.

Phase 1 - Self Study: you will go through my Speak for a Living course.

Phase 2 - Group Coaching: you will be trained by one of my hand-selected corporate trainers for 90 days straight. So we can work out details that self-study don’t address.

Phase 3 - Marketing Services: my marketing team will give you a $4,000 credit to use on services such as social media marketing, advertising, graphic design, etc... You will have TANGIBLE deliverables that will help your speaking career move to success!

We will also teach you where to find speaking engagements and help you get booked as a speaker.

And lastly, we will help you launch your own products like books, podcasts, courses, and communities so that you can monetize your message just like I have for the past 50 years.

This training program was valued at more than $15,000. Out-performing and crushing our competition... but even though it’s valued at $15,000, what makes it even more shocking is that we sell it for just $2,000 and have financing options available through our private network of lenders.

Now, only 21 people get accepted every month.

The people I'm looking for are the few that are hungry. The few that would love to be just like me.

We get over 100 applications to join the program every month... so if you’re interested in being a world-class public speaker and want to Speak For A Living, then go to the link above and submit the form. One of our agents will get back to you as soon as possible to interview you and see if you’re a good fit for this training program.

Remember, you have something special. You have GREATNESS within you.

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

Bye for now...

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