Speak for a Living - Program

Launched in 2023 as the most comprehensive speaking program available on the market. This program includes everything you will need to become a successful public speaker and make a living out of it.

Only 21 speakers are selected each month from over 100 applications.

For applications closing September 30, 2024, we will be selecting the speakers by October 5, 2024. The cost of this program is $3,500 and our team can help you secure funding and/or financing options.

Please fill in the form to apply for a spot in the September group.

Program details

21 speakers are selected every month to join the program. Why? Because what's known as "Phase 2" of the program includes LIVE group coaching calls with Les Brown, and he simply does not want more people to join the program at any given month so that the Zoom calls are not overcrowded and he can answer all of your questions.

Here's a more detailed description of each of the three phases:

Lifetime access to the two flagship Les Brown courses, the Prodigy Program and the Speaking Course, with all accompanying bonus modules and access to the two closed Facebook groups.

$4,000 in budget to have our team work for you on services including graphic design, website design, speech writing & critique, social media marketing, email marketing, etc.

Free press release distribution to hundreds of thousands of readers on eligible partner media outlets and websites.

Phase 1: Self-Study Basics of Public Speaking

Lifetime access to the Basics of Public Speaking course by Les Brown, where you'll go through 27 pre-recorded modules (videos and audios) teaching you the basics of public speaking before you can move on to Phase 2. This is mandatory by Les Brown.

Phase 2: Group Coaching with Les Brown (Zoom)

You will get access to the LIVE group coaching Zoom meetings with Les Brown and his coaches. Trainings happen twice a month and you will get 6 months of coaching with Les Brown. You will have the chance to talk to him and ask him 1-1 questions.

Phase 3: $4,000 Credit Towards Marketing

Work with our marketing team to build you a website, manage your social medias, create ads or publish a book for you. You'll have $4,000 worth of marketing credit for whatever you need. Our CMO Jose Lopez will plan with you and our team will do the rest.

PLUS: A project manager will work with you hand-in-hand with you all the way.

BONUS #1: A project manager will work with you hand-in-hand with you all the way.

BONUS #2: Free press release distribution to hundreds of thousands of readers on eligible partner media outlets and websites.

BONUS #3: Complimentary tickets to your graduation ceremony for family + friends.

Who are we looking for?

We want candidates who have the potential and desire to excel as public speakers. We are only looking for those that are HUNGRY to make a difference. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out or already have a speaking business and you want to take it to the next level with this program. Our assessment will be made through an interview where we will want to know more about your motivation to join the program, your expectations as a public speaker, your dream for the next 5 years, and your willingness to learn. We are particularly looking for candidates we feel could have strong commercial success. You’ll need to meet these criteria:

You have an annual personal income of more than $30,000 USD (or equivalent).

You’ve been on stage at least once before

You have at least 5 hours a week to work on your speaking career with us.

You have not signed an exclusivity agreement under a speakers bureau that inhibits you from participating in this program.

You are willing to complete and implement the Speaking for a Living training modules and Marketing That Sells courses in full.

You’d be happy to be interviewed by our media partners upon being selected as one of the 21 speakers for the month, and to participate in other publicity if required.

Only one application per month per applicant will be accepted and reviewed.

If you meet the above eligibility criteria, and would like to apply, please fill in the form below. Completion of this application does not guarantee acceptance.

Your Name* Required field!
Business Name (if different) Required field!
Country* Required field!
State Required field!
Speaker Website (if applicable) Required field!
Email Address* Required field!
Phone Number* Required field!
Annual Income* Required field!
# of times you've spoken on stage before* Required field!
Required field!
Required field!
Required field!
Why do you deserve to be chosen as one of the 21 speakers for this month?* Required field!

Graduating Class of 2024 - Orlando, Florida

Pictured above is the group of speakers that traveled from around the world to graduate at our LIVE event "graduation" held once a year with Les Brown. This one was in Orlando, Florida on September 1, 2024.

Speakers normally take anywhere between 6-12 months to complete all three phases of our program. So if you join now, you will qualify to graduate next year for our next graduation ceremony.

Is your dream to speak on stage with Les?

3 of our students were chosen to take the stage with Les Brown at the last graduation event

Khai Win


Spoke about negativity bias and her T.H.I.N.K. framework to rewire the brain.

Peter Rios


Spoke about the common battles we all face and how to MAXIMIZE your life.

Jing Lian


Spoke about stress in business and entrepreneurship and how to live a stress-free life.

"There's no success without successors."

Les Brown is looking for the few that are HUNGRY enough to make a positive impact on this world. If you want to learn from the MASTER of public speaking, submit the application to join our program. This $3,500 investment in your self-development will change your life.

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