Les Brown’s “Speak with Power & Passion Weekend

Atlanta, Georgia, May 31st to June 2, 2024

Jumpstart your speaking career

Join Les Brown & The 1st Family of Motivation, in Atlanta, Georgia, May 31st to June 2, 2024, for a training experience to define your signature speech to speak to the masses at this “Les Brown’s “Speak with Power & Passion” weekend.

Match Les Brown’s Passion with Your Own!

Put a Powerful Tool to Work for You!

Make a Living and Make a Difference!

Information About The Event:

Les Brown’s “Speak with Power & Passion” training will get you on track as a potential world changer. It gets you ready for the world, to improve it, or to change it. Les has proven his value as a Legend, a world-renowned speaker, and a powerful resource for any significant stage.


Presentations matter, whatever your field, whether a business owner, corporate exec, sales rep, freelancer or community advocate, “Speak with Power & Passion” training lets you take presenting to the bank. Your message, talent, skills, and ideas will set you apart from others. Spend two days training with Les Brown and the team.   


Les Brown will teach you how to impact audiences and attract what you need to succeed. You know the world is changing. You need the skill set and mindset to connect with a wide range of people. Les Brown’s “Speak with Power & Passion” training will empower you to make the difference between a break, a breakthrough, and a breakdown.


“Speak with Power & Passion” training helps you to learn and maximize your presentation skills, to win and win big. This includes one-to-ones, meetings, and large-event auditoriums. “Speak with Power & Passion” training is a world-class training program by a world-class speaker/presenter/trainer Les Brown for world-class results.



This “Speak with Power & Passion” training: is for you if:

  • Train with a Legend for greater visibility 
  • Increase earning potential 
  • Sharpen communication & presentation skills
  • Increase visibility with your story
  • to get unstuck" 
  • bring your message to the stage
  • Defining your cutting edge story

Training Highlights:

  1. How to make money with your story
  2. The business of speaking 
  3. The art of speaking

T A K E    A D V A N T A G E     T O D A Y

Take this opportunity to learn from the greatest speaker of all time.

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